(Huntsville, Ala. | July 30, 2022) – CFD Research is developing multi-scale in vitro 3D tissue models of vascularized bone-cartilage interactions under a $1.7M National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant managed by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin…
Author: Hiroko Sedensky

Governor Ivey Joins HudsonAlpha Leaders at Greenhouse Ribbon Cutting
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology hosted a ribbon cutting for its new Greenhouse and Educational Learning Labs on Wednesday, July 27 HUNTSVILLE (July 27, 2022) – HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology opened its new 14,000-square-foot glass greenhouse earlier today at a ribbon cutting…

HudsonAlpha Greenhouse: Growing opportunities for the HudsonAlpha Center for Plant Science & Sustainable Agriculture
By: Elizabeth Hobbs The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology has a new building gracing its skyline– a 14,000-square-foot glass greenhouse to be exact. The highly sophisticated facility is equipped with two lab spaces, seven grow rooms with fifteen-foot ceilings, and several technologically advanced features…

Student overcomes setbacks of war to solve a difficult quantum optical system problem
Photo: Nazar Pyvovar’s advisor, Dr. Lingze Duan, calls his result “nothing short of stellar.” (Michael Mercier | UAH) July 21, 2022 | Jim Steele In work applicable to super-fast quantum computing and quantum optics, undergraduate research by a recent graduate in…