CFD Research awarded battery prototyping SBIR Phase III project

CFD Research announced today that it has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract through the Aviation and Missile Technology Consortium (AMTC) to perform important battery technology development and prototyping. The three-year Other Transaction Authority (OTA) agreement has a ceiling value of $15.5 million.

The objectives of this effort are to provide next-generation prototype nanotechnology-based solutions for operational energy storage applications for multiple missile and aviation systems.  This project specifically focuses on prototyping a new concept of Structural Batteries to reduce weight and improve performance of the Tactical Unmanned Aerial System (TUAS) platform.  Additionally, the project will involve integrating new cathode and electrolyte technology to demonstrate improved performance in battery voltage and capacity, and performing extensive testing to increase the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) level of thermal batteries for the Joint Air to Ground Missile (JAGM) missile program

“CFD Research has the unique combination of capabilities required to provide expanded development of nanotechnology and advanced materials developed under prior SBIR contracts for applications in missile, aviation, and other weapon systems,” Scott Miller, CFD Research Vice President of Energy, Materials, and Propulsion Division said.

CFD Research is a well-established small business founded in 1987, with a demonstrated history of exceptional technical performance, innovation, and transition of enabling technologies to government and commercial customers.

“CFD Research is honored to be awarded this SBIR Phase III effort supporting our Aviation & Missile Center customer, and building upon several SBIR Phase I and II technology development contracts,” Sameer Singhal, CFD Research President & CEO said. “This award continues CFD Research’s strategy of transitioning technologies to customer applications.”