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American Society for Engineering Management

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  3. American Society for Engineering Management
200 Sparkman Drive NW, #2, United States 35805

The American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) is a global professional society dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the engineering and technical management profession. Engineering Management, broadly defined, is the art and science of planning, organizing, allocating resources, and directing and controlling activities that have a technological or systems component. Engineers and other technical professionals, whose job requires them to assume management duties, must solve complex problems that require expertise and training in these principles.

Although our society name specifically notes engineering, ASEM’s direction encompasses the broader challenges of management of professionals who work in complex, technical organizations involving “knowledge” workers. Broadly, ASEM members cover a wide range of management areas in science and technology. In addition to engineering, these fields encompass manufacturing / operations management, the natural sciences such as biology and chemistry, and information technology including areas like computer science and information systems to mention a few.

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